What Security Measures Should I Take to Protect The Personal Data I Hold?

Personal privacy is a high risk asset that is continuously threatened by increasing malware threat in the wild. They could collect enough of your personal information to commit online fraud or identity theft.

Here are few ways you can keep your personal data safe and private:


When you store your files, data, personal documents like passport details, make sure that they are stored in a safe place protected with a unique password.

Change passwords

Always use different passwords for different accounts online. While settings up passwords never use any personal information such as your name, birthday, pet's name, etc. Strong passwords are easy to create; use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. If it is difficult for you to remember such passwords, then go for phrases that you can easily recollect; may be a part of the title of your favorite book, comic series, etc.


Email is one of the commonly used carriers of malware. It is mostly used for phishing campaigns. So, never respond to emails from unknown senders, and emails that you were not expecting. Beware of emails that talk about lottery or prizes. Be particularly careful about link and attachments in such emails.

Secure Sites

Always use sites whose URL begin with 'https' and have the pad lock symbol, while doing any online transaction or putting up your personal information on any site. Before you give away your financial information, make sure that you have checked the authenticity of the particular site.
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