Petaluma River Watershed

Found in southern Sonoma County, California, and a portion of northeastern Marin, the Petaluma River Watershed drains 146 sq. miles (380 km2).[3] The watershed is roughly 19 miles (31 km) very long and thirteen miles (21 km) large with the Metropolis of Petaluma in the vicinity of its center. At two,295 feet (seven hundred m), Sonoma Mountain is the greatest stage in the watershed, and its western slopes drain to the Petaluma River by way of tributaries these kinds of as Lichau Creek, Lynch Creek, Washington Creek, and Adobe Creek.
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The lower 12 miles (19 km) of the Petaluma River circulation by way of the Petaluma Marsh, the largest remaining salt marsh in San Pablo Bay. The marsh addresses five,000 acres (twenty km2) and is surrounded by about seven,000 acres (28 km2) of reclaimed wetlands.[3] In the marshes west of Lakeville, the river is joined by San Antonio Creek, at which position it turns into the boundary in between Marin County and Sonoma County. The river flows less than State Route 37 at Environmentally friendly Issue and enters northwest San Pablo Bay just north of Petaluma Issue.

The Petaluma River Floodplain, west of Lakeville
Though the river's source lies around 300 ft (100 m) higher than sea level, it descends to 50 ft (fifteen m) inside about .4 mi (600 m). The river is completely tidal 11 mi (eighteen km) from its mouth, indicating its slight gradient via the marshes beneath Petaluma. The United States Army Corps of Engineers dredges this part to hold it navigable by gravel barges and satisfaction craft.

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